Research of
Human-Computer Interaction at Scale
The KAIST Interaction Lab (KIXLAB) is a human-computer interaction research group in the School of Computing at KAIST. Our mission is to improve ways people learn, collaborate, discuss, make decisions, and take action online by designing new interactive systems that leverage and support interaction at scale.

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Check the latest news from KIXLAB
Four KIXLAB members attended CSCW 2024 in person. Four papers by KIXLAB members and collaborators were presented at the venue.
KIXLAB has one or two open positions for MS students for Spring 2025. If interested, please follow the instructions in the MS Student Selection Process Application deadline: Oct. 22, 2024.
KIXLAB has one or two open positions for MS students for Fall 2024. If interested, please follow the instructions in the MS Student Selection Process Application deadline: Jul. 12th, 2024.
A paper from KIXLAB and collaborators have been accepted to Interspeech 2024.