KIXLAB at CHI 2018

Members of KIXLAB and collaborators will present seven full papers and three late-breaking-work posters at CHI 2018. Eight members of KIXLAB will be attending CHI.

Check out our publications page for paper PDFs, videos, and other resources.

Full Papers

Understanding the Effect of In-Video Prompting on Learners and Instructors
Hyungyu Shin, Eun Young Ko, Joseph Jay Williams, Juho Kim.
Tuesday 9am @ 517D: Learning and Training
“With in-video prompting, learners answer reflective questions while watching videos. What do learners and instructors think about it? How can we design a meaningful learning experience for learners while giving valuable feedback to instructors?”

Enhancing Online Problems Through Instructor-Centered Tools for Randomized Experiments
Joseph Jay Williams, Anna Rafferty, Dustin Tingley, Andrew Ang, Walter Lasecki, Juho Kim
Tuesday 11am @ 518C: Automated and Crowd Supports for Learning
“Most online instructors lack the expertise and tools to design and run experiments. DynamicProblem helps online instructors to author randomized experiments on explanations, hints, feedback messages, etc. with a simple UI & interpretable machine learning.”

Collaborative Dynamic Queries: Supporting Distributed Small Group Decision-making
Sungsoo (Ray) Hong, Minhyang (Mia) Suh, Nathalie Henry Riche, Jooyoung Lee, Juho Kim, Mark Zachry
Tuesday 2pm @ 516C: Distributed Work
“In small group decision making, what if everyone’s preferences on decision criteria are easily collected, shared, and filtered? Meet Collaborative Dynamic Queries (CDQ), a UI componenet that improves communication effectiveness & efficiency.”

BebeCode: Collaborative Child Development Tracking System
Seokwoo Song, Juho Kim, Bumsoo Kang, Wonjeong Park, John Kim
Wednesday 9am @ 518AB: Children, Well-being, and Play
“Child development tracking often relies on a single parent’s responses. BebeCode is a mobile app for parents and caregivers to collaboratively gather responses, discuss, & resolve conflicts.”

ConceptScape: Collaborative Concept Mapping for Video Learning
Ching Liu, Juho Kim, Hao-Chuan Wang. Honourable Mention Award.
Wednesday 2pm @ 517D: Learning 2
“What if a concept map was shown alongside an online learning video to support navigation and comprehension? ConceptScape is a concept-based video player that crowdsources generation of concept maps with expert-level quality.”

RecipeScape: An Interactive Tool for Analyzing Cooking Instructions at Scale
Minsuk Chang, Leonore Guillain, Hyeungshik Jung, Vivian Hare, Juho Kim, Maneesh Agrawala.
Thursday 9am @ 516E: Crowdsourcing, Data Mining, Dealing with Information
“What can we learn from analyzing hundreds of chocolate chip cookie recipes, which are diverse & naturally crowdsourced approaches toward a shared goal? Average or exotic recipe? Fundamentally different ways of making chocolate chip cookies?”

To Distort or Not to Distort: Distance Cartograms in the Wild
Sungsoo (Ray) Hong, Minjoon Yoo, Bonnie Chinh, Amy Han, Sarah Battersby, Juho Kim
Thursday 2pm @ 518C: Visualization of Space and Shape
“What if your map is rendered based on travel time rather than distance? How does this ‘distorted map’ affect users’ location decision making experience when used in the wild?”


Exprgram: A Language Learning Interface for Mastering Pragmatic Competence
Kyungje Jo, John Joon Young Chung, Juho Kim.
LBW057. Tuesday 10:20-11:00 & 15:20-16:00 @ 220BC Exhibit Hall
“For language learners, speaking in a contextually appropriate manner is extremely difficult. Exprgram turns to large-scale online videos for their rich & diverse contexts. Learners collaboratively submit & practice alternative expressions for the given context.”

Detecting Personality Unobtrusively from Users’ Online and Offline Workplace Behaviors
Seoyoung Kim, Jiyoun Ha, Juho Kim.
LBW515. Wednesday 10:20-11:00 & 15:20-16:00 @ 220BC Exhibit Hall
“Personality affects individual and group work performance, but is costly and painful to track. We introduce a way to unobtrusively detect extroversion by combining users’ online & offline behaviors while preserving privacy.”

Micro-NGO: Tackling Wicked Social Problems with Problem Solving and Action Planning Support in Chat
Sung-chul Lee, Jihee Kim, Juho Kim.
LBW553. Wednesday 10:20-11:00 & 15:20-16:00 @ 220BC Exhibit Hall
“Tired of unstructured, messy online discussion? Micro-NGO is a chat-based online discussion platform for citizens to tackle social problems with structured support for problem solving and action planning processes.”


Minsuk Chang will participate in the Sensemaking for CHI 2018 Workshop and talk about sensemaking around cooking how-to videos.


HCI@KAIST is KAIST’s campus-wide HCI research community with ~20 labs across 4 departments. HCI@KAIST presents 19 full papers at CHI 2018. As a proud member of HCI@KAIST, we’re co-hosting KAIST Night on April 25th.