Design Project 8: Iteration & Wrap-up

Studio: 6/5 (Mon), no slides needed
Project Showcase: 4-6pm on 6/7 (Thu)
Final Submission: 11:59pm on 6/19 (Tue)
10% toward your total grade

What do we do?

Finally, it's time to present your design process and the resulting interface to the entire class, both orally and visually. During our final project showcase, each team will give a 5-minute presentation in front of the whole class. In addition, you'll create a maximum 2-minute video clip that captures user needs, tasks, and an interface walkthrough.

Your Report

  • Studio: There won't be a studio presentation for DP8. Instead, your team will meet with your TA and share your iteration progress. Plan to talk about what you have done since user testing and what you will do to wrap up the project. Your TA will provide feedback on how you might most effectively use the last week for the best outcome.

  • Final Presentation: Decide what part of the design process you want to convey to the audience, for 5 minutes. Which part do you think is most exciting and strongest? What is your unique point of view on the problem, and why is your UI a usable and useful solution to the problem? You won't have time to explain details, so focus on the main points and lessons.

    You should assume that the audience knows nothing about the problem space and your solution. Also keep in mind that we'll be listening to 15-20 talks non-stop in class: think how your presentation could stand out. Make sure to include a hook that will get people excited about your project. Avoid using much text and actively use visual artifacts from various stages of the design process. Here's a suggested flow:
    User needs and problems => Point of view => HMW question / solution => Main tasks => Representative UI screenshots or walkthrough (but no live demo is allowed) => Lessons from user testing

    After the presentations, we'll hand out a few awards based on different categories, such as "most extreme user", "best implementation", "people's choice", etc.

  • Video: Record a 2-minute video that captures the user context and the killer features of your UI. Be creative in how you plan, structure, and record the video! Here's an example. Also look at last year's CS374 project gallery. Revisit your storyboards, as they capture the rich usage context. You need to set the stage by starting with users and their problem. Avoid using slides and try to capture realistic context, and don't hesitate to "act". Do not show the UI from the beginning. You need to show parts of your final prototype to demonstrate how the user might perform the task using your system. Rather than describe all the features you implemented, focus on the flow of the task.

  • Final Report: The final report will be brief. You need to simply include the following:
    • Final Interface
      • Representative screenshots: Include a few most important screenshots that showcase the uniqueness of your application. Add callouts, annotations, or captions.
      • Quality Arguments (limit: 700 words): Make convincing arguments for what makes your interface "great". Add comments from users, UI screenshots, etc. that could support your arguments. Depending on your interface, you may focus on different aspects: neat features, visual design, usability, novel UI components you designed, hardcore implementation, etc. This is your chance to convince us that what you created is a high quality user interface.
    • Iteration: How did you spend the DP8 period for iteration? Why? What changes did you make? Show concrete examples and data whenever applicable. What did you learn?
    • Individual reflection (limit: 700 words per person): Each member should write this part on their own, reflecting on their personal experience. Merge all members' mini-reports in the final report. Please answer the following questions:
      • What part of the UI implementation did you contribute to?
      • What worked well and not in your team? How did you overcome any hurdle in teamwork? What lesson about teamwork did you learn that you might apply to your next team project?
      • Throughout the team-based design project experience, what did you learn about the user-centered design process and web-based GUI implementation?


  • Final Presentation (40%)
    • Organization: Overall structure is well thought out? Flow of the presentation goes smoothly?
    • User needs: Well captured? Motivation is strong and convincing?
    • Tasks: Important for the identified needs?
    • Solution: Does the UI deliver its initial promises? Implementation quality? Usability of key features?
    • Results and discussion: Lessons from user testing?
    • Articulation: Articulation and clear delivery?
    • Visual Aids: Effective use of visual aids?
    • Overall: How engaging was the overall talk?
  • Video (30%)
    • 2 minutes or under?
    • Overall organization and flow of the story?
    • Quality and variety of shots and rhythm?
    • User needs well captured?
    • UI introduced convincingly but not as dry list of features?
    • Engaging and creative?
  • Team Report (30%)
    • Iteration Report (5%)
      • Iteration period is spent efficiently and effectively?
      • Justification is convincing?
    • Quality of the Final Interface (15%)
      • Convincing arguments with supporting evidence?
      • Is it overall a high quality interface? We will look at a variety of aspects such as completeness, novelty, feasibility, UI-level contribution, etc.
      • 700 words or less?
    • Individual Reflections (10%) -- graded individually
      • Individual contribution clearly specified?
      • Teamwork discussion includes both the good and the bad?
      • Teamwork discussion has enough depth and insight?
      • Design process discussion has enough depth and insight?
      • 700 words or less?


TA meeting: During studio time, your team will meet with your TA for 10 minutes and discuss plans for wrapping up.

Final presentation slides are due by 4pm on 6/7 (Thu), right before our final project showcase. Video and the team report are due by 11:59pm on 6/19 (Tue).

Final Presentation: For smooth transition between presentations, we'll require all teams to use Google Slides for presentation, just like in studios. Each team will receive a link to a Google Slides presentation from the TA. During the final showcase, we will open your slides from our computer, and your team will have exactly 5 minutes to present. Please note that there will be a hard stop after 5 minutes: unfinished presentations will be cut off. We recommend that you rehearse in your team in advance. Every team member needs to participate in the presentation.

Video: (guidelines adopted from CHI 2017 Video Showcase, which also has links to many inspiring videos)
  • Encoded as an MP4 using the H.264 codec. No exceptions!
  • You'll upload your video file on YouTube. Include the URL of your posted video in your final report.
  • All spoken dialog must be closed captioned (subtitled) to improve accessibility.
  • Resolution of at least 1280px x 720px.
  • The 16:9 aspect ratio is recommended.

Team Report: One report per team. Your report should be submitted as a zip file. The main report should be written in Markdown (please use the .md extension). Also include your original video MP4 file in the zip file as well. Name the file with your team name, and submit it by visiting this link. You can submit multiple times until the deadline, and we'll use the most recent version for grading.